Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Where's that Tequila Bottle...?

It's going to be a long month...

I am broke.

How in blazes did it happen?

I have been indoors for the last 6 days nursing my flu and swollen/infected air bags and of course I am running out of groceries.

I start back at work tomorrow Wednesday anyway so I go online to check how much of my paycheck I have left over from last payday. Maybe I can go to Foodtown tomorrow morning and do some shopping before I start my shift in the afternoon.

Damn account looks like it took a hit from one of those smart bombs the US Army used to such deadly effect to flush out Al-Qeada operatives from the caves of Afghanistan in 2002!!!

Friends, I get paid on the 15th of the month; not the end! So you can understand my cause for concern! After making sure I wasnt the victim of some internet fraud (i would have sued Norton and the whole Symantec company), i finally realized how many bills I paid this month!

Biggest chunk of course is house rent which usually takes about under a quarter of my whole salary. I say "usually" because this month it took more! We pay weekly rent and i usually just transfer 4 weeks worth to my flatmate who makes the payment. But November has 5 weeks in it so...

Phone, Electricity, Sky TV; these I share with my flatmates but still! We have managed to bring down electricity costs every month which is fantastic and with summer here already... it should only get lower. I Hope. We dont use the clothes dryer anymore which is good right?

New Computer - Yep! I am still paying for my snazzy new computer. I bought it on a hire-rental pay every month basis kinda thing. Have 4 more payments to make i think. Sheesh!!!

Debt - even the USA is in debt, dont laugh. I made yet another payment to my legion of debtors. Been paying one off every month since I got here. And there is one that I might have been taking for granted a bit. If you are reading this, you know yourself. We will have a conversation about this ASAP!

And of course, this illness of mine hasnt exactly been free. It comes cheap at the price but I really must get medical insurance. If I had invested in medical insurance at the beginning. I would have been able to claim this back now. The Irony now is that i will get cover for a year and not sneeze for the entire year!!!

But what I am complaining about????

I worked for one year without pay on the Nigerian MC, honed my money management skills at the feet of Maria "Gotzamani" Johansson in Stockholm, frankly now that I think about it... I just wont be able to afford to go out at the weekends!!! So what?! I will host a party at my nice apartment instead!

Where is that tequila bottle and the salt shaker?!


Aine said...

I share your pain my man! working for free in the most expensive of European cities is not a good idea ;)

Hope you are feeling better!

Merili said...

Get well soon ... :) tequilla and lemon might help speed up the process :)