Thats what the Fonterra party turned out to be. It was billed to start at 7:30pm but my flatmates and I, together with 2 other colleagues arrived there at about 9pm. To a fully packed house! And I was sufficiently dressed up enough to get a loud cheering and sustained applause as soon I stepped into the hall! Talk about a grand entrance!
Red Jacket a la "Thriller"; Gangster Hat a la "Smooth Criminal"; Skin tight leather pants a la 'Bad' and; White gloves a la live stage performances and I was looking the part! (Minus the lightened skin of course but hey! This was MJ from the eighties right?!)
Unfourtunately they had played "Thriller" already and the damn DJ didnt play it again despite repeated requests. So the 3 hours i spent watching the Thriller video over and over again learning the moves just went to waste!!!
He did play "Beat it" and i can only say I have a much better appreciation of entertainers now! It is frigging hard work!!! I was positively exhausted after dancing all alone in the middle of the crowd for the duration of the song!
I had half drunk ladies coming to rub their hands over my skin tight leather pants and there was this particular lady who kept telling me (and everyone else) how hot I looked and blowing me kisses all night! I DID NOT catch her name never mind her number. Bugger!
And to crown it all, I got the award for "Best Dance Moves". Award which turned out to be a 50 dollar gift certificate for a fancy restaurant in central Auckland. Since the costume cost me 59 dollars to rent... I guess I still made a loss!
But here are some of the pictures to prove what a wonderful night it was. I am currently uploading a whole bunch of others on Flickr. So check my flickr badge to the right in a couple of hours or something...
So Here is the great Michael Jackson rehearsing his dance moves before going to the Fonterra Xmas Party... notice the subtle twist of the legs? That is the true mark of a dancing genius
And there he is living it up in the middle of the dance floor. His adoring fans loving every single electric move...
This fan asked for a personal photograph with our star and he was his ever obliging self...
But then she tried to steal a kiss! Much to the chagrin of our adorable Star!!!
Manchester United host MY club in a few hours in what the media has billed the most important game Manure will play this season. Its also a huge game for us in Chelsea as if we win we go level on points with the Red Devils. If we lose, a six point gap opens up between us. But with more than 20 games still to play and the league not yet halfway through it wouldnt be the end of the world if we did lose! We have played Barcelona already in the Champions League this season and came away with a win and a draw from that.
Having said that, I fully expect Chelsea to win this game and shatter United's self belief and conviction. I made sure I took a nap this afternoon as the game is at 4:55am NZT. I just wish Sanni Muhammed was here to watch the game with me. Or even Segun Sangowawa who is a newly converted Manure fan too. He's always been a wanker anyway! These are two of my good friends from Nigeria.
Rob I know is a Manure fan as well. Ah well... he's a great guy in every other respect. Hehe
Christmas Party in November... ahh the joy of (getting ready for) NZ summer and holidays! :) What are your plans?
Who was that sexy guy?:):):)
It seems you had an amazing time:)..Wish you 10 times more in the rest of your time in NZ:)
haha did you hear jose's comments?! classic! absolute classic! Sir Alex doesn't have 1/10 of his style :)
NIce costume dude...
Glad that you are rockin it on in NZ!!
Hugs from Cameroon
oh what a guy!
You look good as MJ ;)
Who knows, maybe these pics will keep me warm on cold and long winter nights in Iceland ;)
Take care dear.
Dude, I saw this MJ pix of yours with the Naija MC guys, you know what ? any body who sets eye on it asks the same question...This guy don Kolo?????? So I'm asking the same question , you don Kolo ???
Finally congrats on your award! No see your life, you for come Naija come dance see wether anything go dey for you:)
Ladi man -- Chelsea rocked in the second half. Saw the game live with a loads of ManU fans who had their faces down to their knees in the second half watching the blues tearing their so called best team apart.
Nothing like watching Chelsea kick arse. I see you are enjoying the parties Kiwi style.
Take care man -- Harman
hey dude:),
you are looking awesome in that suit!
no wonder that the girls are sticking up to you! hhehehheheh
take care dude, i can see that you are having loads of fun!
*Soundtrack playing*
"I dont know what you heard about me,
but a b**** cant get a dollar out of me
no cadillac, no perms you cant see,
Ladi's a muth****** P.I.M.P...."
Good one bro!
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