Emma Gavert.
Her last name is actually spelt with the Swedish "a" which has two dots on the top. And it is pronounced "Yah Vert" ... I don't have a Swedish keyboard (anymore) and this is very important that you know how to pronounce her last name properly!
Because you see, most of you reading this will not have had the pleasure and privilege of knowing Emma like I do. So the least I can do for you all is to teach you how to pronounce her name properly!
This post has been a long while in coming. There has been a lot of opportunity for me to reflect on my time in Sweden and the people who have become integral parts of my life from that experience.
Friend. Sister. Boss. Colleague. Major pain in the ass. Leader of the team in more ways than one. Constant source of inspiration and irritation. (in equal parts)
Emma was the National President of AIESEC in Sverige in the "...Year of balance and pure excellence". The year of the Diamonds. Together with Maria Klockar Johansson and Amit Desai, we four constituted the National Executive Board of AIESEC in Sweden 2005/2006.
What a kick-ass picture! Of a KICKASS TEAM!!!
She might not know this or maybe not REALLY comprehend the significance, but Emma changed my life when she selected me to be her teammate in Sweden. I was coming off the back of not being selected for a second term in AIESEC Nigeria, had applications to a couple of other AIESEC countries turned down when Emma called me in early 2005 and told me I would be joining her in Stockholm.
One of the most opioniated persons I know, Emma is an individual that wears her heart on her sleeve. Typically Swedish and yet seeming to break all stereotypes, this blonde beauty does not hesitate to write off anyone who does not meet up to her extremely high standards but is ALWAYS willing to give people a second and even a third chance! (You would probably be dead already by her hand if you are asking for a fourth chance!)
A hard taskmaster... Emma would never expect something from someone that she wouldnt be able to do herself. If Emma asked for a goddamn breakdown of meetings attended by the Sales people in the local committees over a 6 month period, week by freaking week... You know she would be willing to prepare such detailed data herself without batting an eyelid.
Her grasp of complex issues and a well thought out plan to constantly inspire and make her teammates innovate was one of her key leadership skills. She had an opinion on everything and yet... if she hadnt made up her mind about an issue, she would be quiet and gather more information before making a statement. And if she didnt know. She told you straight out!
And yet there was a playful side to Emma as well.
Getting drunk in Handelshogskolan (forgive the lack of Swedish letters guys!) and getting wheeled down Odengatan in a shopping cart by Maria...
Pulling funny faces at team meetings in the middle of AIESEC Experience discussions...
Always ready to ensure delegates at the conferences we ran, went away with amazing memories from the parties... and being the life of the party...
Getting us all to do the craziest things on board the cruise to Helsinki... (i just had to share this picture Emma... the more scandalous ones are locked away! I promise!!!)
Emma, thank you for an amazing year of my life... You are definitely one of those who has contributed to where I am today.
Mentally - for the amazing experience of driving positive leadership in AIESEC Sverige
Physically - for trying all year to get me to exercise some more... (I do now)
Geographically - For the glowing recommendation you gave me in the 1 hour phone-call with Fonterra
Emotionally - for teaching me how to better appreciate those you love through your loving devotion to Karol, your parents and brothers and sister
I love you very much Emma. Not all MC teams can say it but I have been very lucky in making friends that can call on me anytime, anywhere in the world. And I will answer.
hahahahhaha, sweet dude!
nice post but hilarious pictures. I think bro, you have the worst collection of all her pictures :) I am sure she is not gonna forgive you for the pictures :)
lol.. hope all's well at your end otherwise!
That was really touching post. It's amazing how some of the people you meet can touch your life in ways that you almost never imagined would be possible when you first met them!
Keep the news from Kiwi-land coming!
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