Can anyone spot the difference in the pictures above?
Okay Okay... Michael Jackson's transformation over the years must be one of the most documented ones in the history of showbiz. Physical transformation that is! In looking for pictures for this post, I found some pretty amazing before and after pictures of the one time King of Pop!
But being a die-hard Jackson fan (the weird one, not the Middle Earth one!) I couldnt publish those horrible pictures on my blog. And they were pretty horrible. Brought to mind that old joke, "Only in America can a poor black boy grow up to become a rich white woman"
But having said all this, whats all the hullabaloo with MJ all of a sudden?
Well... tomorrow is the company Christmas party in Fonterra and the theme is "Miami Vice - '80s version" or something like that. You are supposed to dress up like characters from the original Miami Vice series or just as someone from the 80s. So I am going as MJ as seen in the Thriller video.
The problem is that every SINGLE person I told I was going as MJ said, "you are not white enough; You will need some foundation; You are going as Michael Jackson while he was still with the Jackson 5???" or some other such comment to drive home the fact that a black man cannot honestly go as Michael Jackson to a costume party! Anymore than my white, 5 foot, mid thirtyish something female boss can go as Will Smith!
I am picking up a red jacket and pants a la Thriller from the costume shop and I had better print a sign and paste it on my back that says, "...MJ from the '80s".
Pictures to follow of course
U2 in New Zealand
I shook Bono's hand today.
Okay I didnt. But I could have.
U2 are in New Zealand for concert and they are staying in the Hyatt Hotel which is right opposite the Fonterra Building. And which incidentally is where i go to gym. Going to work this morning, there was a small crowd gathered at the entrance of the hotel waiting to catch a glimpse of the band. I thought about going for an impromptu gym session right there and then, but figured that Bono and co. would more likely be in the bar.. or more realistically have the bar brought up to their suite!!!
Right about now, Bono and the rest of his band are thrilling thousands of kiwis while I am stuck here still nursing the after-effects of my lung infection and flu. Well... they are playing tomorrow night again but tickets sold out months ago and besides I am off to my party!
I wont miss my Saturday morning workout at the Hyatt. You never know!!!
I'm waiting for the pictures of you as MJ :)
Have fun dear.
-with love-
Dear, thank you for the nice message:)
You are a always:)..and is good to have you back in the blogging era:)
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