Friday, May 12, 2006

Just Cruising...

I am not going to be telling you the full story of my team's trip to Helsinki becasue Amit has already made a wonderful post on his blog concerning this. So please click on to find out how the trip went.

I just have a picture here of the impressive Helsinki Cathedral with the big square. Sitting there and eating Ice cream with the Finnish MC, i tried to imagine KGB and CIA operatives making secret rendevouz in the square.

I also learnt a very interesting fact about Finland. The current President is a woman who when she was elected wasnt married BUT living with her partner. She was at some point the President of the Liberal Women's Union (or something....) after pressure, she has married her partner, but just imagine the liberalism and forward thinking required to do this! I dont see this happening in obodo Naija o!

Thank you very much Diamonds! You guys rock! In this year of balance and pure excellence, you guys have made it a year to remember!

1 comment:

Tomi Astikainen said...

The organization she was chairing is SETA ( that stands for "Seksuaalinen Tasa-arvoisuus" (sexual equality of gay and straight people). Because of that people have generally thought she's more inclined to women. Who cares... not in Finland at least. Last winter she was elected for her second presidency term. :)