I just came across one of the most hilarious books i have ever had the pleasure to read in a really long time. it is written by a Mr. Colin Moon and it had me in stiches by the time i got through it! The book's description by the Swedish bookshop goes thus:
"This small booklet (120x170 mm) is not just another travel guide with fancy pictures of forests and lakes. It is not just another factual, dry businessman's guide book telling you Swedes are decent but boring, serious and have no sense of humor. This booklet will give you an insight into things Swedish. Things they themselves think are quite normal, quite sensible, and quite logical. Bless them, for they are often unaware that the rest of us, the foreigners, often find them amusing, entertaining and at times simply quite odd..."
Now of course if you have not lived in Sweden or dont have a close(?) Swedish friend, you might not really appreciate the humor in this book which is why I will be taking excerpts from the book, (i hope i dont get my ass sued off!) posting it here and relating it to some of MY actual experiences in lovely lovely Sverige!
If you have lived in Sweden before (or still living here come to think of it) then try and get your hands on the book and read the secret files!!! If you are Swedish, you might find yourself agreeing to quite a lot of the stuff in the book! As an example...
"A Swede was told he had only five weeks to live, he replied by saying 'I hope those 5 weeks are in July"
...refering here to the way Swedes ENJOY the summer and make the most out of it! The whole country practically shuts down as everyone tries to get the most of those 5 weeks of sun after what must have surely been a long, cold dark winter!
And just to give you an idea of what is in the book before you read it, please go to
...and crack up!
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