Well actually it was 4 Danes, 1 Malaysian-Dane, 2 Swedes, 1 Nigerian-Swede, 1 Indian-Swede, 3 Norwegians, 1 Icelander, 1 Icelander-Czech and No Finns! (Unless you count that extremely cute girl, Annika who was here for the Agenda meeting 2 days prior!)
It was the Scandinavian MCs in Stockholm for the chill out weekend and it turned out to be quite good actually. Night out at a pub/bar on Friday night, couldnt dance much there as it was packed full of people!
Saturday was spent at the Gruna Lund Amusement park where i rode a roller coaster for the first time....and the second time....and the third time!!! Couldnt get enough i couldnt. There was the Free Fall which was basically hurtling to the ground from a height of maybe 100 meters high in less than 5 seconds(?) and stopping just before you smash into the ground! Extreme, haunted house, Bumper cars, shooting games, candy floss, disco rides...THE WORKS! And getting to spend time with the Scandis was really cool.
One interesting thing though was Jens Christian Borgen couldnt go on the Free Fall as he was too big to fit! Not surprising though as he is 6ft 8' (or 2m) tall!!! Talk about Giants! i STILL havent met anyone as big as JC!
We had a crappy meal at some Pizza place afterwards but people were too plesantly tired to care i guess.
All in all! Quite a cool weekend! Thanks Stefan, for the conversation about different cultures; Renbin for the insight into Malysian culture ( I might be visiting soon); and all the others for a truly "Chilled Out" weekend.
Pic here is a group one at the Gruna Lund amusement park. Will post a link with the rest of the pics from the weekend soon.
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