I have been afraid to commit this particular topic to blog but now i am about to send in the application and i just thought i should say something about it here.
PricewaterhouseCoopers. Definitely employer of choice. Proffesional, Global, leading player in their industry. And a company i have always wanted to work for. Well...now is my chance I guess. There is a Global Coordinator position open in PwC now, you get to manage the quite extensive partnership the firm has with AIESEC Intenational. Did i hear you say dream job??? Tell me about it!!!!
Well...here goes nothing. I am going to push the send button now. Norica! Check your email now!
I had a kick ass sales session on the ICX Cruise yesterday! 16 wonderful people from all around the national network. And i didnt realize it was a luxury cruise! Well....i havent been on many of this kind of things before and we DID get a glass of champagne with breakfast. hehehehe.
There's a whole story there with the ICX Cruise but i am waiting for Ann-Christine Arnesson to send me the pictures so i can tell a good yarn! There was drama from the very beginning at 0700. Watch this space for more details.
My team are off now on yet ANOTHER cruise to Helsinki and this time for 2 nights! We leave in the next couple of hours, sail all night and arrive Finland tomorrow morning. Spend the day in Helsinki and catch the boat again in the evening and get to Stockholm on Wednesday morning. Pretty cool ehn? And we have Amit to thank for this! He got us free tickets!
Watch out for the pics!
I found out from Cornelia you applied for PWC..I will keep my fingers crossed for as I know you really want this..plus I hope to see you again in Poland:)
Kisses from Bucharest,
Hi Ladi,
good luck with you application for PwC. Hope everything goes well and you will get in! Keep fingers crossed!
Greetings from Iceland,
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