Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Food as a Panacea...

Comfort Food.

When some people are depressed, lonely or just plain bored and have nothing to do... they start to eat. I was watching an Australian program the other day called, "The Biggest Loser" and it featured a group of over-weight contestants who tried to lose the most kilos and win the ultimate prize.

The show delved into the life-styles and emotional motivations of the contestants and one thing that seemed common among them all was that when they were stressed, angry, sad or whatever negative feeling... they ate. And ate and ate and then ate some more.

Comfort Food.

I have always liked food myself. When I was much younger... I ate because there was food. Not particularly because I was hungry. There is a HUGE difference if you stop to think about it. I was lucky that I was very active as a kid and probably had a higher than average metabolism. So all the excess food I ate got burned away and I was never ever a fat kid!

I seemed to have slowed down in my old age - or my metabolism has dipped to very poor level as tiny portions of food seem determined to hang around for as long as they can on my anatomy. (there is a preference for somewhere round about my middle).

Anyway... I have re-discovered the joys of food again. A pretty megalomaniac statement seeing as one cannot survive without it right? Well it wasnt until I moved to Sweden and met Emma Gavert that I REALLY started to taste food and know that some types of food go best with others.

The last 2 weeks have been a bit hard for me. I havent been going to work while I wait for my work permit to be extended by Immigration NZ (more on this in a later post) And I have tried to be use the unexpected time constructively! Reading, writing and yes... Cooking.

I have re-dedicated myself to getting fit again and apparently it is not enough to just go to the gym and lift weights. You have to get cardio exercises in... and eat right as well. So with SO much time on my hands I have been getting adventurous in the kitchen and slapping ingredients together. And not just adventurous but creative as well. Seeing as I am not getting paid while I am at home, I work with very limited resources and have still managed to come up with some fantastic dishes!

I cannot wait to have unlimited credit again so I can really go to town!

I have enjoyed my cooking sessions. I used to help my mum cook when I was a teenager (Believe it!) and there is something to be said for taking all those different kinds of stuff and coming up with a tasty meal!

Damola from the New Zealand AIESEC national office (but Nigerian) stayed at my place and he was fortunate to taste some of my culinary prowress.

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Master Chef anyone?

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Gimme some drumsticks with that sauce!

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The Greens and vegetables are very important... and colorful too!

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If you wanna eat... you do some work!


Kenoma said...

come if i konk two of una .. for una mind una dey cook drum stick .. two yoruba boys .. instead of una to dey ganish gbegiri ati ewedu .. and Amala..

look i am embarased :-) Ladi i know this is you influencing Damola..

david santos said...

Thanks for your good food and have a good weekend