The flowers were in full bloom and the University Chapel was gaily decorated as little butterflies fluttered around and birds sang their melodious tunes in the background.
People had come from far and near to witness the soleminzation of holy matrimony between one Oladipo Ajayi and Ms Funmi Kolawole.
The press were there in full force as the bridegroom was a promising University student who had signaled his intention to join the Fourth Estate and indeed he would rise to become Editor of the largest selling newspaper in the country.
There were drop dead gorgeous ladies from the nearby Teachers Training College in their short wrapper skirts, designer blouses and 6 inch 'platform' shoes who had come to see one of their own get hitched to this dashing and handsome young man of her dreams...'
The above scene is drawn solely from my imagination but the actual event couldnt have been that much different from the above. You see, I have heard the verbatim reports and seen the black and white photos myself. Said event was my parents wedding day.
40 years ago today!
Yep! My parents celeberate 40 years of married life today and that is just so impressive in so many ways.
In these days of high divorce stats and selfish individuals all around, I am very thankful that I grew up with this particular couple as progenitors. I will be the third (after them both) to admit that it hasnt been plain sailing all the way. I have witnessed some of the bitterest arguements between my parents but have seen them lauughing and all made up the next day (or next week:-)
One thing my siblings and I learnt very early was never to take them both on at the same time. They had too much practice and understanding between them to ever lose to any of us singly or all of us combined. We found the 'divide and conquer' rule worked very effectively indeed. SO if we wanted something from our parents and knew the chances of getting it were slim, we would gang up on one of them (isolating the other) and before the parent in question could call for help, mission would be accomplished!
As they grew older, they complained more and more about one another to us the kids. But there is never any real conviction in the complaints. I swear they do it more out of habit nowadays than anything else. They might not both realize it (perhaps they do) but one cannot do without the other for very long.
Mummy, Daddy as you celebrate this huge milestone, I just want to say thank you. For giving me and my siblings life. For Life's little lessons (and big lessons too). For providing a warm, secure and well nurtured nest from which you launched four of your many collaborations together. We your kids have turned out very well indeed (if I do say so myself).
Thank You. Thank You very much. I Love you both and look forward to celebrating 50 years!
The couple on Sunday June 10th, 2007
The original 'six'. From Left to right: Yewande,Daddy, Yours truly, Mummy, Segun and Toyin
With the 'add-ons'. My sister's two kids and my brother's wife
1 comment:
Ladajay! Correct!,I will drink to this day.
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