Monday, June 15, 2009

Eko for Show

If you google Lagos, you come up with results for a maritime Portuguese city that back in the 12Th and 13Th century served as a maritime expedition point for Portuguese explorers who sailed across the west coast of Africa.

They apparently made it to my neck of the woods and named the city of my birth for their port of origin.

Wikipedia tells me that a specific explorer, 'Rui de Sequeira visited the area in 1472, naming the area around the city Lago de Curamo'. Yoruba settlers from along the Ogun river had however lived in and around the creeks and lagoons of the south-west part of present-day Nigeria and had given the name "Eko" to the area. If you want to read more about it... click here

I mentioned about 2 posts ago the hullabaloo created in my office when Lagos was ranked very low in an index of cities measuring live ability. I asked for pictures, evidence and photos to show on this corner of the blogosphere that Lagos was innovatively trying to shed the bad rep it had acquired.

In response, I got this very delightful news item below from CNN sent to me:

When anything exciting, momentous or eye-catching was happening in Lagos, the title of this post would be heard from the mouths of anyone describing the events. Sort of similar to "Viva Las Vegas"

One saying that has been adopted by the current Lagos State government is in Yoruba (my native language) and goes "Eko o ni baje". Literal translation means Eko will not spoil.

The news items above makes me believe it.

1 comment:

kikelomo said...

When I first saw this clip, I was so impressed, I sent the link out to all my work mates :-)