"Handel is the greatest composer
who ever lived.
I would bare my head
and kneel at his grave"
-- L.v. Beethoven (1824)
In some Christian theology that I have read... Satan (the Devil) was an Arch-angel in heaven, and not just any old Arch-angel but THE Arch-angel! He was known as Lucifer Morningstar and was in charge of music in heaven. As the angel in charge of praise to the Almighty God, he commanded the Cherubs and Seraphs and all the other hosts of heaven in daily praise and worship to God Almighty.
His rank was above that of Michael, Arch-angel of war; Gabriel, Seraphiel and all the other angels. He was the top dog! Which is probably why according to these texts, he let it all get to his head and was cast out for the sin of Pride.
My point is that music was/is recognized as a powerful...very powerful tool and medium for spiritual experiences. Up to the degree that the choir master in heaven was considered the most powerful being after the Supreme Deity Himself. When I used to attend church regularly in Nigeria, the praise and worship session was always the best part for me.
I was caught up in the magic of music in a really special way when I attended the Auckland Choral performance of Handel's MESSIAH on Monday December 18.
What an experience.
4 lead singers (Soprano; Soprano-Mezzo; Bass and; Tenor)
24-member orchestra playing 2 types of violin, viola, cello, bass, oboe, Basson, Trumpet, and a Timpani
1 Piano organ concernist
130 strong choir (46 Sopranos; 20 Tenors; 48 Altos and; 26 bass)
And of course proceedings were directed by the slightly balding rake-thin conductor!
One thing that struck me is that performing and producing such music as those singers and orchestra did requires intense concentration and they are under a lot of pressure to deliver.
The Auckland town hall where the performance took place looks like a majestic old church with a huge stage that sloped up and was set with seats where the 130-strong choir sat. The orchestra sat in a sort of 'pit' right below the choir seats, still on the stage while the conductor had his piano nearest the edge of the stage. The orchestra were arrayed in a loose semi-circle round him.
But when they got up and started to sing... a startling change came over their faces as they sang. Most members of the audience had rapturous looks on their faces all through but the look of... ecstasy on the Sopranos face as she sang... My God!
If you havent heard Handel's MESSIAH in its entirety... I suggest you do. It captures the essence of what Christmas (and Christianity) is. The birth of a saviour for the redemption of the world. It doesnt matter what your particular beliefs are. Soak your soul into the music and let it take you on paths hirtherto unknown.
1 comment:
Must have a been a great evening!!
Very well written, didn't know a lot about what music means in Christian theology.
Have a very merry Christmas Ladi!
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