Sunday, August 02, 2009

Move Your Body

I have a friend called Harrison.

Harrison recently posted pictures of himself on facebook. He was at the beach with his new girlfriend (i am assuming) and they were both standing in the spray of the waves and generally made quite the lovely couple.

Harrison was looking quite buff, his black skin was gleaming, well chiseled pecs and biceps and his abs looked like you could grate cheese on them.

Did I say he was my friend...? I really hate the guy!

As far as I am concerned, he only put those pictures on to spite me. The bastard. I posted here on this very blog about wanting a body like Usher's almost 3 years ago!!!! And here I am... 3kg heavier and the extra kilos round my waist!

Living a healthy lifestyle for sure translates into a happier lifestyle and even if one does not have washboard abs, being active and relatively fit makes for a good combination. Like in all things, all I need is some discipline and external motivation and I really do think I can get a body like Usher Raymond's.

Discipline I will have to sort out for myself but external motivation will have to come from dreaming of the day I can put MY beach photos on facebook and show that Harrison of a boy that if he can do it... then so can I!!!

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