Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Political Junkie

I didnt exactly grow up in a democracy.

Ibrahim Badamasi Babaginda, the aptly named 'evil genius' of Nigerian politics was the self-appointed Military President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for 8 years. 1985-1993. He was succeeded by the worst depot of them all, Sani Abacha who ruled with a titanium fist for 5 years. He was in turned succeeded by Abubakar who stole his share for a year but duly handed over to a civilian government in 1999.

Abubakar handed over to a one-time Military Head of State (between 1976-1979) who replaced his khaki uniform with the agbada (flowing robes) of partisan politics. Unfourtunately he has been accused of being even more dictatorial than when he ruled by military fiat! He did his thing for 8 years (2 terms) and handed over to a former governor who to me has been lurching from one pillar to the next post since middle of 2007.

Needless to say, politics in Nigeria in addition to being as dirty and brutal as it is everywhere else in the world, also has the disadvantage of being played by actors with a military mentality. Winner takes all kind of thing. Acquisition of power is the end, not necessarily what to do with it when you get it. (Steal the treasury blind seems to be the prevailing wisdom)

Which is why I admit to a fascination with the ongoing Presidential campaign in the US.

Although originally a parliamentarian one, democracy in Nigeria has been modelled after the Presidential system since the 70's. Small wonder that I turn to the architects of this style of government for lessons to be learned in how to conduct the selection of who will be the leader of what they have turned into the greatest nation on earth.

I think Hilary Clinton will become the next - and first woman - President of the United States of America.

Since this is my personal blog and it is not affiliated to any news or network station, I can freely make any prediction I damn well please.

I think she will become so, first and foremost because I want her to, and Bill Clinton (what a guy!) will be back in the White House. And secondly because she has the organization and competence to be the President.

Barack Obama has rock-star appeal no doubt, and is way ahead of Clinton in actually being able to heal and unite the country to move forward. But lets face it... America is going to move forward no matter what happens. They survived Nixon and moved forward just fine. George Bush was the most clueless leader to come along in quite a while but after 9/11 America stood together behind him. (Look where its gotten them so far)

The 'glory days' of the Clinton era was marked by some of the worst partisan fighting the country had ever seen. But it still WAS the glory years of economic boom. Now, this is not the arguement for bringing back the wife.

No. The wife just happens to be this highly competent individual who BECAUSE she knows the right-wing element will be gunning for her every time will be motivated to do the right thing! And you KNOW she knows what the right thing is. Lets face it, the core bedrock of democracy is the whole checks and balances thing.

Barack Obama on the hand wants to 'change things' and run a united front. He's saying the right things and hitting the right notes but there is the small inconvenient fact that substance still seems to be lacking in his policy framework. Whether he likes it or not, he's going to have to gore some oxes and step on a few toes to get things done. Who wants someone 'learning on the job' for this particular job?

Anyway, Iowa and New Hampshire has come and gone. 1 a piece. Its good for Hilary Clinton to get bruised and shaken up on the way to the Democratic nomination. It prepares her for the general election in November.

One last thing is that when I switch one of the four TVs in the tea room at work to coverage of the US election, majority of my work-mates look at me funny. Who would want to listen to American politicians rather than watch Roger Federer demolish that poor Argentinian fellow???

A Political Junkie who wishes his home country had half the vibrancy and workability of the American system. Thats who!

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