Two reasons:
First - I owe a friend money and I am way way overdue in paying it back. If you are reading this (you know yourself) my very next pay-check ok? Even before I pay the bills.
I start work at 12 noon everyday except Friday.
On fridays, instead of 12noon - 9pm, I work from 10am to 6am. The customers I service are in the Middle East so half of my time is spent liaising with NZ part of the Supply Chain and the other half with my customers Saudi, Syria and Dubai.
My office is about 20mins away (walking) and 2 mins away taking the bus. My mornings have traditionally being spent in bed or on the couch in front of the TV until about 11.30am.
I made a decision last week to make my mornings a bit more productive. A run/jog/trip to the gym first; French lessons after; work on the draft of my novel whilst chatting with friends in the northern hemisphere on MSN/Yahoo Msgr
I havent done any of those things except the chatting with friends on MSN/Yahoo Msgr.
You can take a measure of a man by how often he gets up in the morning to do something useful when he absolutely has no reason to.
If some wise person hasnt said the above already... well... now they have!
Although I look back at the 'working two jobs' period just earlier this year and shudder, it is a shudder tinged with personal satisfaction and pride. I think this instance is even harder. I knew I had to make it to my brother's wedding and needed the extra cash to do so. SO I stuck out the crazy hours and made it.
Now I just want to utilize my time better and achieve a couple of things that will make me look back with not a shudder but a smile and even more pride.
Early to bed tonight and early to rise tomorrow is gonna make Ladi healthy, wealthy and wise!
True story.
Yesterday I was really down because I felt SO unhealthy.
But now I am starting a new regimen of gym, fruits and veggies!
So how's the new lifestyle going???????? ;)
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