Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Metaphor for Life...

My original intent was to write a really deep and heartfelt post about how badly Chelsea Football Club is doing in the league...? Or rather how badly Chelsea is doing. Period.

I was going to liken the situation to the realities of life itself. A huge amount of fans from all around the world became 'fans' only when we won the Premier League for the first time in 50 years. (I am not one of them).

I do not need to go into the details of the current situation. Any half decent sports website will have covered the running saga. And all the drama going on seems to be having an effect where it matters the most to me.

On the Pitch.

We are in 7th place in the league and were only able to draw against Fulham. All the other 'top' clubs won their games. It goes to show the level of expectation and sense of winning that has been built into the club in the last 3 years that Ashes would have tasted better in my mouth after the draw with Fulham.

But now comes the important question. Do I stop watching Chelsea's games because they are in a temporary flux? Do I switch allegiance to (God Forbid!) Arsenal just because they are top of the table.

No I dont.

I grit my teeth and watch my team under-perform again and again. I smile in pain as my friends with their unfortunate alliances to Manure, Goners, and Liverless rub it in every week how things look bad for us. Because you see this is what being a football fan means. Having a rough patch (and trust me it is only temporary) makes you appreciate the winning all the more when it starts to happen once again.

Actually, this is what Life is all about.

You dont throw in the towel after just one defeat. After just one knockdown, No Sir you dont. You work your way through the sludge and come out on the other side with character and resolve.

Now I just need to figure out how to get through this week. Talking to Tope becomes imperative. I mean... talking to her everyday. She is my ray of blinding and warming sunshine in this football darkness right now!

Ah Yes! Champions League game on Wednesday. Away. To Valencia of Spain.

Grit Teeth. Smile in Pain. And you might be walking on air on Wednesday again.

1 comment:

Ejiro said... dear friend Ladi,

The benefit of endurance training in sports or simply exercising at the gym isn't achieved in all the time before we hit 'the wall'.

The beauty of an endeavor that leads to success, well being, etc comes after 'the wall' has been hit.

Chelsea has hit the wall, true fans will be distinguished and quitters never make winners.

Still me, still a fan of football fanatics.