Thursday, June 08, 2006

Seven Deadly Sins...

SO I took this really interesting test (there so many flying about cyberspace now!) And it has rated me on the seven deadly sins. Greed; Gluttony; Wrath; Sloth; Envy; Lust and; Pride!

The Results:

Envy:Very Low
Lust:Very High

Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

So apparently according to this test...

- I covet other people's SUVs even though i have a nice Toyota
- I eat too much
- I dont get angry easily
- My room is almost always a mess
- I am always happy when other people are successful
- I am a sex crazed addict who cant help but chase anything in skirts
- I am very dignified but can still be described as 'down to earth'

Please note that the above interpretations are solely mine (and not neccesarily true!) and i take full responsibility for it!

(Very High LUST! But Seriously...!!!!)

1 comment:

Nico(leta) said...

I did the test also..I am leading ar pride chapter:P..immm..I think is wrong:):):)
And not my fault that AI still gives us an SN ID! The new AI VP X is not good at all:):):)...

Hope you are good..I really enjoy your comments..and please do notice this time you didn't mention Cornelia!:)

Kisses from Bucharest,