Well Here I am still exploring what I can do on this whole bloggosphere! Visted Gauri Poswal's blog (she is the only one who has posted a comment on my blog) and found this personality test. SO I am JFK...hmmm I once had a discussion with a friend about that. If i was in a position of power, would i use it to get girls into bed? Well according to this test i would! Dont know as i agree though. But JFK and I certainly do have a lot in common. Handsome, suave, charismatic, and both Presidents (Yes! LCP does count)
Have a splitting headache!
hahahaha!!! why are u using my full name? its not as interesting as urs!!!
And ofcourse its addictive!! u wouldnt have put in 3 posts in a day now would u?!? which btw,is even more than i did u showboat u!!!:)
haha! well I got Gandhi!
morals matter to you and you like to lead by example perfection is important to you
welcome to the world of blogging :)
bet you can't make yours as pretty as mine :p
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